Heeding proclamations by New Mexico’s Governor, Michele Lujan Grisham, I’m pretty well hunkered down with occasional breaks for desert-air walks in our ‘hood or pick-up of groceries ordered online, supplemented by an unexpected visit to Walgreens for an RX where I found dishwasher Finish packets and disinfectant for toilets. “It doesn’t matter what it says,” Frank said, when I pointed out reference to “toilets.” “Disinfectant is disinfectant.” On these pick-up ventures, we’re masked and gloved. Our nearest neighbor offered to get whatever she could find at Costco in Albuquerque: paper towels : ) I’m spending a lot more time in the kitchen, a decided change from our habit of going out a couple of nights a week. For my birthday on April 3, we ordered take-out from Sassella, a wonderful downtown restaurant – delish. Tomorrow was supposed to be the Santa Fe Symphony’s Annual Spring Gala, a major fundraiser, at the beautiful Eldorado Hotel & Spa: Lumière, A Night on Bourbon Street. One of the decorative elements? Masks! Because of the virus, lots of performance cancellations. The Board took up a collection for the musicians, many of whom under the best of circumstances are financially strapped, but they’ll need more. Meanwhile, Frank has a bone-on-bone hip issue but until elective surgery is back, he’s toughing it out. Thanks to Zoom, we’re not totally isolated. I take Balance and Yoga classes twice a week – not nearly as gratifying as in-person but I’m grateful to be able to do his without having to leave home. And Frank, as president of the Santa Fe Symphony, is able to hold regular Board meetings. This should be an opportunity for me to write but for many days I was so consumed with awful news that I couldn’t quiet myself mentally or emotionally to do much of anything. On the plus side, I’ve been in touch with nephews in Houston and cousins in Washington and Oregon. I subscribed to StoryWorth for Frank who’s really taken to it. He receives or makes up one question a week, e.g., What do you remember about your grandparents? Your first boss? You email your responses, including scanned photos, to StoryWorth and after a year or so, you’ll have a book that may interest your children and theirs. I learned about StoryWorth from Maxine Neely Davenport, a marvelous local author (mysteries and sort stories) with a lifetime of accomplishment (went to law school at age 40 and climbed twenty-six 14,000-foot high mountains), who died after suffering severe injuries in a car crash just before the virus hit Santa Fe. We’ve been invited to a virtual cocktail party this evening. Think I’ll put on a pair of earrings to dress up my jeans, grungy top and comfy slippers. BTW, we’ve become addicted to the daily New York Times Spelling Bee that we play on our iPhones. Don’t like to stop ‘til we’ve attained Genius, which can lead to near-sleepless nights. A few good things about being quarantined at home per Frank with a few additions by me:
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Author BLOG
I'm Shirley Melis. You may know me as Shirley M. Nagelschmidt, Shirley M. Bessey and now, Shirley M. Hirsch. Each reflects a particular phase of my life. Banged-Up Heart is a slice of my life's journey and in telling my story, I'm giving voice to my long silent "M" by reclaiming my maiden name, Shirley Melis. Archives
December 2024